Sunday, March 27, 2011


Just a mermaid sketch I did. I have been reading up on a few drawing books (something I haven't done in a long time. It was nice to do something a little different.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dancing with Da Phantom

Just another doodle! Me dancing with the Phantom of the Opera! I used Photoshop to color it and shade it. Aw! Look! We are blushing! Perfect couple! :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hey again! Okay, let me tell you the story behind this picture.
My mom pitched me a REALLY good idea for a comic (which I am now working on with her help). It's about me and my movie heros. Only I can see and hear them and they never leave me alone. While you think it would be cool, they sometimes irritate and annoy me. But I love them :D
So, as they are in my head and only I can hear and see them, you can see all the funny possibilities. The characters that follow me around are Erik (from the Phantom of the Opera), Jareth (from Labrynith), Spock (from Star Trek), and Snape (from Harry Potter).
So now to the picture. This is what I will look like in the comic, pretty cute huh? I enjoyed doing it. It was really fun! Hope you enjoy and um, hope it looks like me!


Just another sketch. Don't you hate it when you draw something REALLY good, but on lined paper at school? Ug! I hate that! That is why you can see blue lines going through the drawing. Sorry :P Anyway, this is just my sketch of a Dementor that I did during Health class. My brother (Benjamin) said that this new version of the Dementors, looked like they were put in the dryer too long so their clothes shrunk onto them. Haha, my brother gets the funniest ideas, which proves we are deffiently related.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wardrobe Malfunction :P

Hey everyone! Welcome back! Here is my latest work. I know what you are thinking, "I ssooo don' get it." Don't worry. I have an account on and it was a contest where we had to take the characters from the comic (the comic that the contest was for) and switch their wardrobes around. The characters are as follows: Me (the artist that ruined the characters lives :) Erik (The phantom of the Opera) dressed in Jareth (the Goblin Kings) clothes, Jarvice (from LM) dressed in Sweeny Todd's outfit and James Norrington (Pirates of the Carribean) in Jarvice's clothes. Along with Sweeny Todd dressed in the Phantom's Gothic drag. Hope it wins and hope you like it!